Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Caravan class

As most of you know I help teach a caravan class at my church on Wednesday. This past Wednesday night we finished our badge for "Art" it was really fun. Holly Hodge the other teacher led them in a scrapbook page. They were free to do with it however they wanted...we did have a picture that was taken this past Christmas at our Christmas program. I have them below for you to view...they did such a great job.

Above is my class. I am going to now show you them individually so you can see the detail...I hope that you enjoy them as much as I did.

In order is Haliegh's, Neisa's, Maddie's, and Libby's.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's a New year....

Well I hope that everyone had a Wonderful Christmas and good New year. Upward started this past weekend. so for the next 7 weeks we are Upward bound!!

I am so proud of my quiz group....today was the first Sunday that all 8 of them said at least one memory verse. They are doing so good and I hope that they all make it to World quiz. I know it is going to be a lot of hard work but I also believe in each of them.

Before Christmas Pastor Tim spoke about New Years Resolutions vs New Years Revolutions - - well this year I am going to work to be more patient.....with God's help I know that I can conquer this for his sake.

I wish everyone a wonderful 2009!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wore out from being a big brother

Aiden came over today to spend some time with me while his little brother went for a check up. At first he was playing and "entertaining" the two little ones that I had today.

The next thing I knew he was quite...I got up to see what he was doing and he was out in the swing....

Sorry this blog is so short but I just couldn't help but sharing...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Conner James is here

I am a "great" aunt again. Conner James Hogan made his appearance into this world on Tuesday, November 25 at 7:48 pm. He weighed 8 lbs and 5 ozs and was 20 1/4 inches long.

Conner had a rough start, somehow during labor he got the hiccups and swallowed fluid. He ended up with pneumonia and had to be in the NICU for 5 days. He was in oxygen tent until Thursday and then off the Nasal canal on Friday.

The funny thing about his birth is Daniel (daddy) did a poll for everyone to guess his birth weight. 3 weeks prior at a doctor visit the doctor had told them Conner weighed 5 lbs 7 ozs. so I first thought well they say that a baby will gain a lb each week during the last month...so I almost said 8lbs 7 ozs...but then since Aiden was so small I ended up guessing 6 lbs 2 ozs...needless to say I LOST!!! Daniels mom won with her guess of 7 lbs 5 oz. I did however when the time...I guessed 7:32 pm and he was born at 7:48..I was pretty excited.

On Sunday 11-30 Conner, Kristin and Daniel was able to leave the hospital!!! Aiden sure was glad to be home.

While everyone was in the hosptial Aiden stayed with Aunt "nanet" and uncle chip. I realized that I was not as young as I used to be. I did get a couple nights break when Aiden went with GMay. But I enjoyed him being with us.
Here is Conner at 1 week old!

Can you believe it is Christmas time....

Can you believe that it is already Christmas time....with only 22 more shopping days left....I have put up our tree, Navity, snow village, and inside decoration. It just seems to be too cold for me to get outside to put those decorations up...I am hoping that Chip or Christopher decide that they want to do it and take over.

I have started buying presents but this weekend hope to get it all done....we are going to Dallas to see Jeana and David and do some major shopping. I hope that they next time I blog I can say that I am totally done with shopping and can truly enjoy the reason for the Season.

I will post some pictures of my decoration soon!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

OH My!!! My son is 13

I can't believe that it has been almost 11 months since I have been blogging but I promise I will do my best to be better!!! I don't have an excuse but thank goodness that Angela Moss had my blog on her blog so I could get it again. I had no clue what it was!!!

Today my son, Christopher, turned 13! I can't believe he is a teen! This time 13 years ago...he was in the NICU and I couldn't even as much tuch him. It was so scary but God took over and here he is...healthy and strong and the typical teenage boy!!!

He is in 7th grade this year and tomorrow is interim reports come home. Hopefully they will be better than I am expecting.

Well more tomorrow!

Monday, January 28, 2008

I'm back

Well a lot has changed since the last time I have posted. I am now a stay home mom who babysits her two great nephews. I LOVE IT!!

I also am now selling avon....so if you ever want to see a book please let me know. you can also look at my website....it is youravon.com/jmiller2033. I have only been doing it long enough to have one campaign...but I did really well on my first campaign. I am excited about both of these new adventures God has lead me too.

We are right in the middle of Upward season so every weekend we are there. but I am enjoying this as well.

It is so amazing to see how God works. and I am excited to see what he has in store for us in the future.

Well now that I am at home I will stay more on top of my blogs.....